Friday, January 15, 2010

Craig Ferguson Puts It All In Perspective For You

FUCK the Jay/Conan Late Night Wars... a pox on both their houses.

Craig Ferguson has been the one person to make Late Night somewhat exciting again... you never know exactly what's going to happen, and the man knows when to call bullshit when he sees it.

Here are two clips, from Thursday night's show - encompassing the late night wars, Haiti and Rush Limbaugh. You won't see this sort of commentary on any other show!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Great Minds Think Alike...

Below is a video essay from BBC film critic/scholar Mark Kermode about ANTICHRIST, and making the case for its precursor, POSSESSION.

Interesting. Who ELSE, mind you months ago, might have made similar surmations?

I'm so proud... *sniff*