Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009 - "Run Bitch, Run"

Of course I was going to do an end of year posting... after being busy w/other things the past couple of weeks, too busy to comment upon.

Rather than bitch about how the past year went down -- EVERY year seems to have its share of good and bad, though some years are definitely better than others - the thing to do is hope that the coming year is better, and put some thought into what I need to do to make it better.

But isn't that what we ALL say - then reality and sloth sets in, and we head down the same paths?

Expect a bit more posting and content here in the coming year... and a bit more focused effort in some endevours, which will hopefully pay off in some fashion.

2010, in addition to being 'the year we make contact' - will start out much like the title of this upcoming film:

Run! Bitch Run! Trailer from Robert Hayes on Vimeo.

Consider us all duly warned.

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