Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The KICK ME Saga - Part One

 On my Facebook page for the past week, I've been posting pics from a movie now making the festival rounds called KICK ME - shot in Kansas City KS in 2012, with some reshoots taking place 1 1/2 - 2 years later. Hired as the script supervisor, I lasted 14 days into a 30 day shoot - well nights, as most of  the action was to take place in a single night. I demanded that my name get taken off the film, which was honored.

The film got finished, premiered at the Another Hole In The Head Film Festival in San Francisco, CA in Dec. 2022 and had its Kansas City premiere at the Kansas City International Film Festival, March 2023.

What follows are pics & vids from the 14 days I was involved in the film.

Day 1:

I was originally cast as Luthor's Father - Sean Hill (Luthor's Mother) is still in the film, but she's not clearly seen. Walter Coppage was cast in the reshoots and the film is much better for it.

Sean Hill

The script described family pictures on the wall, so the photos are actual family photos from Sean's & my family.

Day 2:


Ramone Armstrong (R.I.P. 2020) - Luthor

Gary and Jason Cantu, who was the first DP. If you've read the FILMMAKER MAGAZINE interview, there's a darkly amusing anecdote Gary tells about hiring him. It makes a great story...
Anyway - he was hired last minute, so he probably was not Gary's first choice.

Continuity on Santiago

Patti Myers - Blitz's Mom

This sequence was reshot later on after DPs changed. Note Santiago's shirt - his wardrobe got changed to what's now in the film.

Day 3:

Jason Cantu and Emily Herod (DIT/2nd AC)

Chris Durr (maybe? - 1st AC, Kyle Garrison II (with beard - 1st AD & Gary's cousin), Jason Cantu, Emily Herold

Betsy Gran - Betsy (also co-writer, producer)


Tony O. - Lead Gaffer


When Santiago runs into Betsy - original version.

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